Mar 26, 2008

The more than 30 different Chin tribes form the population of Chin State in North West Myanmar.

The differences between the groups are mainly in the spoken language and different custom.
-Chin, Chin state, chin tribes, Myanmar, Burma, chin new year festival, ethnic groups of Myanmar Burma-.
Chin State is one of the least developed in the country, thus on the other side, makes it very interesting for an exploration trip, since this is a really exceptional experience.
Chin State has a very rough topology, almost no infrastructure and most of the people walk over unpaved road when they have to go somewhere.
Chin State Myanmar has borders with Bangladesh and India at the west and Myanmar’s Rakhine state at the south, Myanmar’s Magwe and Sagaing divisons are at the eastern front. Mountain, Hills, deep valleys and no plains or plateaus are visible. Elevation goes up to 3100 m at Nat Ma Taung or Mount. Victoria in southern Chin state.
Water comes in from India via the Manipur river, the river joins Myittha river in Magwe division who finally end up in the Chindwin river in Sagaing division.
The Chindwin river is the main tributary to Myanmar’s lifeline the Ayeyarwady or Irrawaddy river. All rivers in Myanmar Chin State are full of rapids and navigable by small boats only.
A pretty lake called "Reh" near to the Indian border can be reached from Falam by a four wheel drive off-road vehicle.
The border pass at Chikha is for local people only. Shifting cultivation and some attempts to terrace cultivation can be spotted. Rice, corn, wheat and coffee beans are raised. Oranges, apples and other fruits suitable for this climate are grown. Chin textiles are very well known in Myanmar and have a good reputation for their excellent quality. Sometimes hand weaving is still used.
Ethnic groups of Chin state are Chin, Bama, Lai, Cho, Siyin, Matu , Simbhrin, Kumi. The major income source is agriculture but since this is developed on a very low level only life is hard in Chin State.
Somehow luckily the rough terrain makes it difficult for poachers to cut the trees that means there is still some forest left and not so heavy cutting has been done like in other areas of Myanmar. Teak and other hardwoods are below about 1000 meters. Above are oaks and pines. Since the people are dependent on wood for cooking –there is no electricity or gas- the forests degrade continuously.
Roads are cut into the mountain sides and the rugged nature of the landscape makes difficult anyway to move around easily.
Chin people usually walk, I would say all guys and gals from the green movements all over the world would be at the right place here, but had ever saw any of the green bla bla maker do life what they are preaching to other's ? We call this people, they preach drink water but they drink wine. To reach Palatwa town in the southern Chin from Rakhine state is by small boats only via the Kissipanadi river. There is a road from Kyauk Taw (Rakhing state) but only suitable in the dry season and the vehicle should be at least a trucks. Kanpetlet in the south (Nat Ma Taung or Mt. Victoria national park), Mindat and Madupi can be accessed from centralMyanmar. A north-south road connects Chikha in the North (near to the Indian border) to Ton Zang, Tiddin, Falam, Hakha, Aika and Madupi.
Kalay in Sagaing division is the gateway for trucks moving passengers and goods. Tourism is by tour operators, check with Myanmar Explore in Yangon, they have lots of experience and are good connected, actually some of the employees are Chin and Naga.

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